Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Health Benefits Of Myrrh

Today's blog is about Myrrh and how it can help with your health in so many ways. Most of the time when people think of the word Myrrh they tend to think of the religious stories and people who do a lot of meditation. I am hear to tell you that the benefits of  using Myrrh goes way beyond that. Here is what you will learn from this blog post today:

What is Myrrh?
The physical  and mental benefits of Myrrh
How to use Myrrh lets get to it

What is Myrrh?


  1. a fragrant gum resin obtained from certain trees and used, especially in the Near East, in perfumery, medicines, and incense.


Old English myrramyrre, via Latin from Greek murra, of Semitic origin; compare with Arabic murr ‘bitter.’

The resin is extracted from the tree itself ,so there is no need to wonder if Myrrh comes from a bush. lol
Now, that you understand what Myrrh is lets move on to the physical and mental benefits of Myrrh.

Physical Benefits Of Myrrh

Myrrh has some amazing health benefits so let's take a look at how it can help you in your everyday life. You can use the elements of Myrrh in oil or its bulky chipped resin form. The oil form of Myrrh is mainly used for the body, when applied on the skin or taken orally it can help boost the immune system with its antimicrobial properties. It can also be used as the following for the body:
astringent, expectorant, antifungal, stimulant, carminative, stomachic, anticatarrhal, diaphoretic, vulnerary, antiseptic, immune booster, circulatory, tonic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic Using Myrrh can help with wrinkles,stretch marks,other fungal infections,heal wounds,dental hygiene and so much more. 

This oil can be mixed with water to help clean your home  and lighten up the air, killing the germs in your home while creating a sense of peace. The resin chipped form of the Myrrh can also be used as an incense for meditation or  aromatherapy. Now, just think for a minute of how you would have missed out on all these great benefits for your body, by looking at Myrrh from a meditative view point only. Now let's move on to the mental benefits of Myrrh.

Myrrh can be used with frankincense to help relieve stress. We all know that too much stress can have some damaging effects to the body over time. It can also be used to help clear the way in spiritual practices as well, better know as getting rid of negative energy and creating a peaceful  environment where you live.

 Here's a Visual recap cap Myrrh and how it can be used for the body and mind.

How To Use Myrrh

In this video it will show you many uses for Myrrh and a recap of health benefits as well.

I encourage you to do even more research on your own about myrrh or seek a holistic professional on the best ways to apply myrrh to your life. Remember that knowledge is power ... Be sure to share /like  & thank you

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